today paytm recharge promo code and coupons
Get upto Rs 10 Paytm cashback on Prepaid and bill payments
- Flat Rs 1 cashback on minimum transaction value Rs 50. This code can be apply on mobile prepaid, mobile postpaid, dth, datacard recharges, landline payments. Valid 10 times per user.
Paytm Pramocode :GRAB10
Get 5% upto 200 cashback on Recharge, Bill (also Airtel)
- Get 5% cashback on minimum transaction Amount Rs 30. Code is applicable on Prepaid recharges, Postpaid bill pay, landline, DTH recharges,Data card recharge. Max cashback is Rs 200. Five time per user.
Paytm Pramocode :GRAB5
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